Sunday, April 14, 2013

3D Word Art Freebie and link to tutorial

       I have a cute freebie for you today.
       Good day to all. I found a great photoshop tutorial for 3D word(s) that I found very easy to make in PSE10, surprisingly with a few less steps and I even added a couple steps to make this word art element 'POP'. They really only took 5 or 10 minutes to make all of these. I was very pleased to know it was this easy. I have made 3D letters before but like to always try out other ways of doing things.When I learn something new I kind of wear it out. lol. I have to try every color, every option, every blend mode and then I add my own little somethin' to it. I will send the link to the sweet Sugarbutt Designs, for she has started a facebook page for tutorials, which I cannot wait to check out some of them. She is just AMAZING! I also will put some of my examples up for you to grab. Note- these were my very first try while following along with this tut so they are not the best but if you can use them, then feel free to snag 'em. You may use these as CU and it is nice to give credit but not necessary. Please send friends here to download.Since they are single elements I did not upload to the clouds- you just need to click on the one(s) you want and it will show all of them- right click and save.. It's that easy.I wish we could download everything that easy!  I'll be back with some freebies you won't believe. So stay tuned this week for some goodies. Enjoy the word art freebies and head over to Sugarbutt Designs and catch up on some of her fantastic freebies and tutorials.
      Here is the link to the tutorial on how to make 3D word art. And here is the link to go visit JJ (Jennifer) at Sugarbutt Designs. Tell her BizzyBee sent you.;)
     Here are a few of the word art elements- just right click and saves as... I made several more in various colors and styles. Pink, yellow, the super and hero single words. I think I will make a full alpha like this if it is a hit so let me know by commenting. No comments- no freebies. If I know people are enjoying my designs, I am happy to post them, on the other hand, if noone lets me know what they think then I don't know what you like or what to post. So easy peasy--COMMENT!  YAY!
     You will notice on the Superstar word arts 2 and 3(gold and blue) there are a couple pixels on the bottom of the u that did not get erased. I did not see them in PSE. Don't know how I missed them but I did fix it on the orange and blue one( I call it the Gator colors-lol). I will be fixing these and putting them back up.If anyone wants them in other colors or a different word(s), just leave me a comment.
        I will be back this afternoon to post a sneak peek. You don't want to miss it! Thanks for stoppin' by. I'll see ya real soon. God bless~~

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet compliment. Thank you so much hun!
    Sugarbutt (JJ)
