Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Circus Magic Kit

O my goodness!! I have made a kit that is sooo gorgeous!! Really! I usually am not completely satisfied with my finished kits, and rely on others to tell me how they like them, but this one ,especially the papers, is so awesome it feels like you are sitting there in person and it really makes you feel the magic of the circus. It is so packed full-- over 300MB's!!!! And there are extras too! There is a FREE add-on also! And even some papers that didn't make it into the kit that I might just leave here and there for you to pick up~;D
A BIG HUG and KISS to my nieces Kenda and Sarah who is always thinking up some kind of game or fun something to do in my store or blog to make things lively and interesting and most of all FUN!
I just can't wait to be able to put the new kits on sale (somewhere~lol) because they are bursting out of my external! It is shameful for me to create such awesome kits and CU items and leave them stashed on my computer for noone to see, so keep praying that something comes through for me- believe me you will be very happy when you see what I have done! As soon as I have a store for my kits, I will shout it from my keyboard! So for now take care-- see ya' real soon and God bless~~

Bizzy as a Bee

Hi all! I really have been busy as a bee!lol. I have removed all of my freebies and kits and I am working on uploading brand new ones to 4shared. I have made some awesome fabulous new kits and really fantastic CU items. Now I just need a store to sell them at~lol. Since I have been 'on my own' I have just kind of sunk into my computer designing and not even getting on the internet al all! (well, ok, maybe the great daily downloads at DivineDigital see me in the forums every morning-lol). Anyway- I have not even put a link to here yet so not many know where I am~hehe. But I did need some time to get some things done. My parents have needed me and my own health has been a roller coaster, so as I lean on God for everything only on His time will things happen. BTW, I met a great woman in a forum the other day and she has just touched my heart. If it is okay with her I will post more about her journey so that my readers can meet her too.
A BIG shout out for a blinkie maker!! I still need a cool blinkie for me~~whaaaaaa~~. I tried to make a cute one and it turned out NOT so cute! And I would love to have a couple girls or guys to try out a few of my new kits and even make some QP's to share as freebies. So if you are interested in that or even helping me keep this blog up with my newest kits and freebies just leave me a comment and I will get back to you. I feel like I am stuck in a rut by myself and need some help to get back up, so if you just have a heart and want to jump on board and help I would enjoy the company along my new journey. See ya real soon and God bless~~

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Still here~I became a mom and a grandma!!

I am still here~~ somewhere in my little world. I have been working on some new CU items that are going to knock your socks off! I can't even believe how awesome grungy and cool this stuff is! lol. I will have some stuff up in a couple weeks- sorry I have not been taking care of this blog, the other one was keeping me too busy chatting and swapping stories and recipes and passing notes and, well, just goofin' off. Not to mention I became a Mom again, lol (my son Michael got married so I have a new daughter, Khala) and I became a Grandma all in one week~~lol. My beautiful daughter Meagan gave birth to her first baby and my first grandbaby!!! AAHHHHH!! It's a GIRL!!!!!Her name is Addison Beth and OMG she is sooo beautiful!! She looks IDENTICAL to her Mommy! It is like looking at my daughter all over again. And.. she was only 4 lbs just like my daughter was. She is going to be a perfect mother! I am so proud of her.
Also I broke my knee and have been in extreme pain. Dad and Mom have been staying at the hospital for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. PLEASE keep the prayers going up for my parents. I will post more on them later. I closed the other blog and the site I was going to start selling at had some issues and is closing---sooo I am going to have to start selling my kits and awesome one of a kind CU items from here for a short while and then hopefully be able to get on at CU dot com. Anyway, I will post some previews and pics soon and let you all know how, when, where, and WHOOOPIE!!! LOL. Take care-- see ya real soon and God bless~~

Monday, February 15, 2010

Running behind- as always!

Good afternoon to all. I have been neglecting this place because I have been having a Divine blast over at Divine Digital! They have had something for everyone, and everyone had something~lol. Can't say enough about that place. Okay- now I really need to get to some business here and start putting some bling on this place. Start putting my new kits on 4shared and so on.
I had not planned on things taking so long , but my Dad is so very ill right now and I am running the cake shop, trying to help my Mom and my Dad. His kidney dialysis starts this week, he just had the surgery to place the 'cath' in last week and now they say it still has to heal. They said he had about 3 weeks to live and that was 4 weeks ago!! He is just too ill to even stand. Actually the man is here right now setting up the hospital bed. I just wanted to post a quick one to tell you that I will be giving this place a makeover and putting up my new stuff real soon.
Please say alot of prayers for my Dad and my Mom. Thank you for stoppin' by. See ya real soon and God bless~~

Sunday, February 14, 2010

To Blink or NOT to Blink?

Good morning everyone! Notice the new blinkie I am sporting to your right. Over at Divine Digital they are having so much fun. From the cupid constantly shooting arrows and the blinkie war, prizes, new kits, free kits, not to mention the AWESOME Daily Download that is toooo HOT! Go check it out! You will not be sorry! Thanks for stopping by and come back real soon for some great stuff in the works. It is taking alot longer than I ever thought, but it is definitely worth the wait. I will have an awesome kit to give away to one lucky person and that kit has over 300 MB's! 300MB's!!!!! WOW!!!
IMPORTANT: I am still looking for someone to make me a blinkie and to that person I will give a Free kit. Thanks so much and leave me a comment if you want. I love to hear from you.
Have a beautiful Valentines Day! See ya' real soon and as always~~ God bless~~